Poem: Off Sick

Hi all, I’ve been pretty silent lately, so I wrote you a poem. I hope you like it.


Off Sick


My physical health is poor,

Mainly there’s my jaw,

Migraines and dizziness aside,

My mind isn’t being kind.

My mental health is there,

But I don’t really know where.

So I’m taking some time off sick,

Just to help me unpick,

Where my life is right now,

And let me work out how,

To be the best I can be,

For myself and everyone around me.


Laura Wilde



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7 thoughts on “Poem: Off Sick”

  1. A personal and moving poem Laura. It, very simply, says it all. Time is a great healer. There will be a path through this. If you don’t have all the answers right now, be patient and the way through will reveal itself to you in time. Sending lots of love and best wishes. Diane

  2. Hey Laura,
    Sometimes it’s really good to chill out and just let things slip a little bit. Take care and stay happy!


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